Quack!Media becomes Q+M – Q+M

Quack!Media becomes Q+M

In 2003 I started Quack!Media as a 23-year-old kid. I set up two folding chairs in an empty closet behind an Indian restaurant “office suite” and hired Jeff Jenkins and Serene Arena. Matt Rundell showed up a few months later and Quack!Media started making ridiculously low budget, but funny and effective educational videos.



Thirteen years later we’ve expanded into advertising, television, music, and publishing. We’ve made cartoons for Cartoon Network and Disney. We run local, regional and national marketing for respectable clients in the public and private sector. We speak at important conferences, we build dynamic websites, we’re trusted with budgets we once joked about on the back of napkins, and we jet all over the country to serve clients.

Quack! has treated us well. Quack! made sense when we were goofing around in front of a green screen. Quack! made sense in the early aughts when onomatopoeia and exclamation points were cool… but so were puka shell chokers. These days it’s harder and harder to look someone in the eye and say, “sure, we’ll manage your ten million dollar budget… Quack?”

Q+M is the same professional team, in the same locations with the same experience, passion and core marketing philosophy. We’re just a little more mature. Our magic has always been busting out of the envelope, and we’ll continue to push our clients to elevate their unique personalities. Whatever you’re selling we’re hardcore about leaving “commodity” in the dust. You’re already special; let’s blow that up huge.

Now in our (early!) thirties, we’ve added inbound marketing platforms, reporting, analytics, market research and maths (Brits pluralize math, who knew). Now we have a name to reflect that. Don’t worry we still have a goofy voicemail message.

Thank you for joining us in this ad-venture. We can’t wait to hear what’s next for you.

Al McWilliams
Founder & Content